

292 Uppsatser om Phenomenological perspec-tive - Sida 1 av 20

Tysta barn : Pedagogers erfarenheter och bemötande av tysta elever i skolan

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur lärare beskriver erfarenheter av att bemöta tysta elever i skolan utifrån deras kommunikativa och språkliga förmågor. Med hjälp av kvalitativa halvstrukturerade intervjuer med fyra yrkesverksamma lärare på låg- och mellanstadiet presenterar studien hur lärarna beskriver att de bemöter tysta elever i skolan samt hur de beskriver att de anpassar undervisningen för att lyfta fram tysta elevers kommunikativa och språkliga förmågor.Utifrån ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv har intervjuerna tolkats och analyserats med avsikt att lyfta fram lärarnas beskrivningar av sina erfarenheter, bemötanden och anpassningar.En slutsats i denna studie är att lärarna upplever att tysta elevers tysthet är situationsberoende.  Den kan vara beroende av gruppstorleken eller miljön. Ett annat resultat som framkom var att lärarna ansåg att det var betydelsefullt att skapa en trygg undervisningssituation för att få de bästa förutsättningarna för framför allt de tysta eleverna. Lärarna beskrev också olika tillvägagångssätt som de använde för att kunna bedöma elevernas muntliga förmågor. I studien framkom också att lärarna upplevde en del hinder för sina ambitioner att skapa bra undervisningssituationer.

Gymnasielärares informationssökning: En studie av samhällskunskapslärares informationssökning i yrkesrollen

The aim of this thesis is to examine Social science teachers infor-mation seeking in their professional role.The focus in this study has been on what sources the teachers use for information seeking, examine and analyze their information practices and how they state their reasons for using different in-formation sources, and finally how these teachers experience con-ditions related to information seeking and how these conditions in-fluence their information seeking.This study is based on four semi structured qualitative interviews. The empirical material from the interviews has been compared to earlier relevant research and analyzed with a theoretical frame-work, which includes conceptions from a sociocultural perspec-tive, a matrix over different kinds of information sources devel-oped by Höglund och Persson and McKenzie?s model of infor-mation practices.The results of this study are:- These teachers use both formal and informal sources and external and internal sources. Digital sources are important and these have consequently been added to Höglund och Persson?s original matrix from 1985.- Information practices tend to overlap each other, for example ac-tive seeking (more specific and prepared information seeking) and active scanning (less specific), which are the two most common information practices among the teachers.

Europeiska Unionens demokratiska underskott : -en textanalys av Lissabonfördraget

This essay focus on the European Union and its democracy both from a national perspec­tive and from an international perspective. Furthermore, the essay center on the con­cept of democratic deficit, this in order to study the European Union´s status regarding the democratic legitimacy. This study intends to nuance the problems that previous research and previous researchers have de­fined as democratic deficits in the European Union and ends up in conducting a textual anal­ysis of the latest European Union treaty, the Lisbon Treaty.The aim is that by using previous research on the democratic deficit in the European Union examine whether the Lisbon Treaty has enhanced the EU's position regarding democratic legitimacy. In other words, my study aims to identify what the deficit is and if it exists.The results show that the Lisbon Treaty has been trying to improve the democratic legitimacy and that some practical adjustments have been made, but it also show that there is much that still can be improved before citizens have full democratic rights..

Att lyssna till det tysta : Fenomenologisk teori och hällbilder vid Motala ström

The survey takes its starting point in a critical evaluation of recent phenomenological approaches to rock art in landscape studies, foremost the works of Chris Tilley. The purpose is to present a phenomenological theory, based on the philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, which includes both motives, places and landscapes in a holistic interpretation. Bronze age rock art around Motala ström and the city of Norrköping is used to exemplify the theoretical discussion. When presenting the framework, emphasis is being laid on the bodily experience of rock art and place through the process of phenomenological intersubjectivity..

Fenomenologi, ontologi, givenhet : Reduktion och filosofisk metod hos Edmund Husserl och Martin Heidegger

In this thesis I examine how the phenomenological philosophy of Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger differ with regard to the phenomenological reduction, and in particular why there is no reduction in Sein und Zeit. I examine in what way philosophy is seen as an overcoming of the naïvete of a ?natural? attitude and how this natural attitude is understood, starting with Husserl?s descriptions of the phenomenological reduction, of the natural attitude of our daily lives and of his notion of transcendental subjectivity. By presenting these main aspects, I try to elucidate why, in Husserl?s view, laying the foundation of all knowledge must take form of a phenomenological first philosophy.

Det ?r du att st? i regn hela tiden. Ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv p? subjektet i Katarina Frostensons poesi

This essay examines the speaking subject in Katarina Frostenson?s poetry through a phenomenological perspective. The study is focused on how the subject appears, the relation between the subject?s inner world and the outside world, and the relation between the speaking subject and language. The purpose of the study is to expand the understanding of questions regarding the subject in Frostenson?s poetry by using a phenomenological approach ? a perspective that is missing in previous studies.

Ur tid och rum : en analys av Släbro hällristningsområde och traditionella variabler i fenomenologisk och tidsteoretisk anda

This paper will attempt to analyze the rockcarving area in Släbro Nyköping, Södermanlands län within an phenomenological and time theoretical perspectiv with the help of a correspondensanalysis. The focus of the study is the images and their relation to one another and the landscape surrounding them. This and information about the place and the surrounding areas according to the ideas described by Christopher Tilley based on the earlier works within the post processual and phenomenological school. To interpret how variables like these could work I?ve chosen to use the information from more traditional societies such as the Aboriginals and the Sami and discuss their understanding of the world surrounding them in correlation to what kind of information Släbro can give us..

NOVA : Funderingar kring ett shoppingcenter med utgångspunkt i fenomenologin

This thesis deals with a Swedish shopping centre, NOVA, from a phenomenological point of view. Starting in my own experience of the architecture I discuss issues such as gender, consumerism and the image of the ideal society, the Heterotopia, as they appear to me in my studies of the building.Divided into three different themes I then discuss the aspects I?ve found through my meeting with the architecture in comparison to a number of texts on the subject.My phenomenological analysis, combined with earlier research, presents to me a number of aspects more evident than others, as I do my own interpretation of the building and its architecture..

Attraktion: en fenomenologisk studie om upplevelsen av att attrahera

The aim of this study was to investigate how individuals perceive the process of sexual/romantic attraction. A phenomenological approach was used, where the participants were asked to reflect as freely as possible upon a question formulated by the authors. 13 persons were selected through purposive sampling, eight men and five women, all between 20 and 30 years old were interviewed but only 8 were analyzed through phenomenological based software MCA-Minerva. The results showed that all participants talked about three steps; eye contact, closing the distance and conversation. In the latter step they differed regarding actions taken to attract.

Kroppens harmoni : om relationalitet i G.W Leibnizs monadologi

The purpose of this essay is to discuss relationality in G.W Leibnizs Monadologie (1714). In general terms this essay analyzes the notion of individuation in relation to the concept of monads. The analysis proposes a question regarding the body in this individuation, and what consequences follows for the understanding of the relation between the single individual and other individuals. It will be shown that the irreducibility of having a body transcendens something like ownness, subjectivity, personality and individuation, and this is explained through the pre-established harmony between the monads ? where the plurality of monads is detected before the monads singularity. To widen this investigation of relationality between the monads, I will turn to Edmund Husserls phenomenological operation for solving the egological problem of solipsism in Cartesian Meditations (1929). In his meditations, Husserl uses the monad as a self-conscious ego with peculiar ownness.

Sjuksköterskornas upplevelser av det emotionella arbetet : En fenomenologisk hermeneutisk studie

Background: A nurse who is working in the health care is expected to show the best side for other people. An emotional work demands a lot of the role of a nurse, when she has to deal with her feelings after the given situation to satisfy the patient.Aim: The purpose of the study is to seek understanding of what nurses perceive to be the essence of the emotional work in health care. The study also wants to understand what factors could affect the meeting both positively and negatively between nurse and patient in social interactionMethod: The study?s methodology is qualitative with phenomenological-hermeneutical approach to seek understanding of the six interviewed nurses lived experiences and the experiences of the emotional work.Results: The result has four main themes developed: Emotional management, to consider the patients existential needs, meeting the patient and to do something meaningful.Conclusion: The essence of the perceived emotional work for nurses is emotional transformation where the nurse changes her feelings by acting according to the situation in the meeting with the patient. It is important that nurses reflect in the work so they do not take their work home and become exhausted and burn out.Keywords: Emotional labour, emotional management, patient encounter, phenomenological-hermeneutical, existential needs, the essence, burn out.

Hela kroppen behövs för att lära! : En studie om pedagogers levda erfarenheter av att stimulera barns motoriska utveckling

The study aims to demonstrate the significance of educators lived experiences of stimulating children's physical development. It has been noted that children are occupying themselves with more and more sedentary activities, which may lead to that they do not develop motor skills at the pace expected. To understand educators lived experiences from a phenomenological hermeneutic perspective empirical relevance has been collected through narrative interviews. The results shows that educators find it difficult to understand the Curriculum goals for motor activity and that the desire to stimulate motor development is great, but the realization is conspicuous by its absence. The discussion highlights educator?s commitment and motivation and the importance of being a reflecting practitioner..

Den psykoanalytiska situationen : En fenomenologisk studie av analysandens upplevelse

Fyra analysander intervjuades om deras upplevelser av den psykoanalytiska situationen. Materialet analyserades med hjälp av EPP (empirical phenomenological psychologial) -metoden. Resultatet beskriver fenomenets meningsstruktur som en helhet och visar på den psykoanalytiska situationens generella kännetecken: den psykoanalytiska situationen som något svårfångat, som ett upprepat omprövande, som ett arbete, den präglas av konflikter och motstånd, en upplösning av tid och rum, ett möte med analytikern, ett rum för självutforskande och avslutningsvis, identitetsskapande självreflektion. Resultatet visar att upplevelsen av den psykoanalytiska situationen är något upplösande som bryter med den vanliga livsvärldsupplevelsen. Den är något irrationellt svårfångat.

Vardagens sociala liv för föräldrar till ett barn med psykossjukdom - fem föräldrars erfarenheter

The purpose of this study was to describe experiences in daily social life of parents of children with psychotic illness. Five parents with long-term experience of psychotic illness have been interviewed. The frame of reference in emotion theories of Thomas Scheff and Randall Collins have been used to analyze the results. The study is qualitative and has a phenomenological approach to shed lights of meanings in daily social life. The following meanings was found: Openness with certain reservation shows that honesty is important for the feeling of solidarity, Social expectations in daily life describes the parents´own expectations as well as expectations from others.

På spaning efter den psykoterapeutiska förändringsprocessen

The aim of this study was to examine what factors experienced psychotherapists emphasize as central and change developing in psychotherapy. The intention was to highlight the therapists' personal thoughts and experiences of psychotherapeutic change. By personal interviews with three cognitive and three psychodynamic psychotherapists, data was retrieved and then analysed with a qualitative phenomenological and hermeneutical approach. The study revealed great accordance between the psychotherapists regarding the importance of therapeutic relationship, factors connected to therapeutic treatment and flexibility regarding to the method of treatment. Moreover, it has been revealed that psychotherapeutic change in both treatments of psychotherapy is due to integration between emotional and cognitive processes.

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